
The Virginia

Neon "Virginia" sign on marquee

That feel­ing you get when see­ing the cur­tains drawn or hear­ing the first notes of an open­ing song is a feel­ing that is noth­ing new at The Vir­ginia. Though a […]

Walk Somerset

Historic marker sign and statue in park with fountain and buildings in the background

A self-guid­ed inter­pre­tive walk­ing tour of down­town Som­er­set leads you through part of its rich his­to­ry. In addi­tion to show­ing such places as the once-thriv­ing com­mer­cial dis­trict or the his­toric […]


Geese fishing on Lake Cumberland

Oppor­tu­ni­ties are avail­able across the Lake Cum­ber­land Wildlife Man­age­ment Area, which includes shore­line, steep ridges, hard­wood forests, old farm­lands, and wildlife plant­i­ngs in a five-coun­­ty area.

Mill Springs National Cemetery

People paying their respect at the Mill Springs Battlefield cementery.

The Bat­tle of Mill Springs in Jan­u­ary 1862 saw 4,400 Union troops turn back near­ly 5,900 Con­fed­er­ates. Union casu­al­ties amount­ed to 40 killed, 207 wound­ed, and 15 miss­ing; Con­fed­er­ate loss­es […]

Mill Springs Battlefield Museum and Visitors Center

Museum interior with Civil War cannon and artifacts.

The Bat­tle of Mill Springs was the first Union vic­to­ry in the West­ern the­ater of the Amer­i­can Civ­il War. The Bat­tle­field extends from Nan­cy, Ken­tucky (his­tor­i­cal­ly known as Logan’s Cross­roads) […]

Striper Fishing Guides

man driving a fast fishing boat at sunset on the lake

Whether you are in search of a tro­phy fish, or just relax­ation time on the lake, there are sev­er­al fish­ing guide ser­vices that pro­vide an enjoy­able fish­ing expe­ri­ence.

Eagle’s Nest Country Club

People putting on a golf course green

Eagle’s Nest is one of the most chal­leng­ing and scenic golf cours­es in the region. The club­house is avail­able for a vari­ety of events and fea­tures an out­door pool, ten­nis […]

Woodson Bend

Golfer at Woodson Bend

This resort fea­tures 480 pri­vate­ly owned con­dos, an 18-hole golf course, ten­nis courts, boat dock, and an on-site restau­rant. Views of wood­ed foothills and lime­stone pal­isades over the lake make […]

SomerSplash Waterpark

Open Memo­r­i­al Day through Labor Day, Kentucky’s best water­park offers fam­i­ly fun and adven­ture, includ­ing three body slides, a wind­ing lazy riv­er, wave pool, and child play area.

See Somerset Swag!

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