Historic marker sign and statue in park with fountain and buildings in the background

Walk Somerset

A self-guid­ed inter­pre­tive walk­ing tour of down­town Som­er­set leads you through part of its rich his­to­ry. In addi­tion to show­ing such places as the once-thriv­ing com­mer­cial dis­trict or the his­toric homes on Har­vey’s Hill, the tour gives insight into diverse aspects of life in Som­er­set, such as town begin­nings, a Civ­il War mil­i­tary hos­pi­tal, a Medal of Hon­or win­ner, and a turn-of-the-cen­tu­ry trol­ley car sys­tem.

Begin the walk­ing tour at any loca­tion, but a great place to start is Foun­tain Square Park with the John Sher­man Coop­er inter­pre­tive pan­el. This Som­er­set native was a U.S. Sen­a­tor and served as ambas­sador to India and East Ger­many, among many oth­er accom­plish­ments. Maps are inte­grat­ed with the pan­els and show the loca­tions of the com­plete set of his­toric mark­ers, down­town arts and murals, com­mu­ni­ty parks, and offer sug­gest­ed walk­ing paths for get­ting in a lit­tle out­door exer­cise.

Historic sign marker with fountain square in the background.
Street sign on a lamp post with map detail of Somerset walking path.
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