
vendor information

Som­er­set has gained a rep­u­ta­tion in recent years for the best street fes­ti­vals around! Our suc­cess has led to tight com­pe­ti­tion for vend­ing slots, so con­tact us ear­ly to dis­cuss oppor­tu­ni­ties.

New ven­dors, please fill out the basic infor­ma­tion below and we’ll get back in touch.

Pre­vi­ous ven­dors, please be watch­ing for the lat­est forms to fill out below. If any addi­tion­al ques­tions, please call Ven­dor rela­tions rep­re­sen­ta­tive Misty Vin­son at 606–679-6366 or email mvinson@cityofsomerset.com.

New Vendor Information

Are you inter­est­ed in being a ven­dor for one of our Som­er­set fes­ti­vals? For inter­est in Food­stock  or The Moon­light Fes­ti­val, please fill out the form(s) below and we can get you the infor­ma­tion you need. 

Note that the Somer­nites Cruise and Mas­ter Musi­cians Fes­ti­val are man­aged inde­pen­dent­ly, and should be con­tact­ed direct­ly for ven­dor infor­ma­tion. See info and links below.


Food­stock will be Sat­ur­day, May 10, 2025, in down­town Som­er­set. Appli­ca­tions for ven­dors will open Jan­u­ary 1, 2025. Stay post­ed for more details, com­ing soon!

Moonlight Festival

Join us on Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 18, 2025, in down­town Som­er­set. More details com­ing soon!

Master Musicians Festival

The Mas­ter Musi­cians Fes­ti­val kicks-off on July 11 & 12. Con­tact The Mas­ter Musi­cians Fes­ti­val direct­ly for ven­dor infor­ma­tion on their event.

The Mas­ter Musi­cians Fes­ti­val endeav­ors each year to bring a wide vari­ety of mul­ti-cul­tur­al, mul­ti-gen­er­a­tional and mul­ti-racial music to our eclec­tic stage – from the blues to blue­grass, from celtic to Hait­ian roots, from rock ‘n’ roll to jazz to pro­gres­sive new­grass to coun­try to Amer­i­cana and every­thing in between – for the best tick­et price around.

For infor­ma­tion about the Mas­ter Musi­cians Fes­ti­val, vis­it their web­site.

Somernites Cruise

Con­tact Somer­nites Cruise direct­ly for ven­dor infor­ma­tion on their events.

Somer­nites Cruise is held in his­toric Som­er­set, Ken­tucky, on the 4th Sat­ur­day of the month, from 12pm-6pm every April through Octo­ber. On the blocked off streets of down­town Som­er­set, you can show off your clas­sic cars, meet oth­er enthu­si­asts, and admire the amaz­ing cars on dis­play. 

For infor­ma­tion about the Somer­nites Cruise on their web­site.


antique car in downtown Somerset
Waterfall under trees
downtown Somerset buildings at dusk

Fol­low us on Face­book

Couple in winter clothes outside in downtown Somerset at night.
Kids floating in pool

Fol­low us on Insta­gram

hand holding cup in front of house porch
lake scene with fall foliage
Older woman holding a jar a jelly
See Somerset Swag!

Put your name in the hat to win a swag bag from See Somerset Tourism.