Crowd of people listening to a band on stage in downtown Somerset

Moonlight Festival

11am — 10pm

The Moon­light Fes­ti­val fea­tures food ven­dors, spir­its, live art cre­ation from local and region­al artists, and an eclec­tic mix of per­for­mances by out­stand­ing musi­cians. It takes place every Octo­ber in down­town Som­er­set. As with all city fes­ti­vals admis­sion is FREE.

If con­sum­ing spir­its, and over 21 years of age, there will be a $5 spir­it band fee to get into the fes­ti­val.

See Somerset Swag!

Put your name in the hat to win a swag bag from See Somerset Tourism.