Neon "Virginia" sign on marquee

The Virginia

That feel­ing you get when see­ing the cur­tains drawn or hear­ing the first notes of an open­ing song is a feel­ing that is noth­ing new at The Vir­ginia. Though a lot has changed since the doors first opened in 1922, those feel­ings endured. On The Virginia’s 100th anniver­sary, we reopened the his­toric space, and it became Somerset’s des­ti­na­tion for immer­sive and inti­mate per­for­mances. With an eclec­tic mix of musi­cal acts and the­ater per­for­mances, it’s not just the mar­quee lights that earn The Vir­ginia its title: “The Shin­ing Star of Som­er­set.”

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