
Fountain Square Park

Fountain and park benches in town square with tree and buildings in the background

Foun­tain Square Park is an oasis in down­town Som­er­set and a hub of local cul­ture and com­mu­ni­ty vibran­cy. The cen­ter­piece is a foun­tain cap­ti­vat­ing vis­i­tors day and night. Sur­round­ed by […]

Veterans Memorial Park

large group of people at the dedication of the Veterans Memorial Park with patriotic mural in the background

Locat­ed at the cor­ner of Oak and Main streets the Vet­er­ans Memo­r­i­al Park stands as a solemn trib­ute to the brave men and women who served our nation. With its […]

Master Musicians Festival

silhouette of stage crew at a music concert

The Mas­ter Musi­cians Fes­ti­val is the pre­mier mid­sum­mer music event in the Lake Cum­ber­land region. Per­form­ers such as John Prine, Willie Nel­son, Wynona Judd, Count­ing Crows, Doc Wat­son, Steve Ear­le, […]

The Virginia

The Vir­ginia offers an inti­mate space per­fect for wed­dings, con­fer­ences, cor­po­rate events, and more. The venue boasts a stage, two floors with a bar on both lev­els, and a bal­cony […]

Citizens National Bank Pavilion

exterior of Lake Cumberland Farmer's Market Pavillion

The Cit­i­zens Nation­al Bank Pavil­ion is home to the Lake Cum­ber­land Farm­ers Mar­ket and a beau­ti­ful down­town facil­i­ty for pri­vate events.

The Center for Rural Development

exterior view of the Center with curved glass wall around entry doors

Estab­lished in 1996 through the vision of U.S. Con­gress­man Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05), The Cen­ter for Rur­al Devel­op­ment boasts a state-of-the-art meet­ing and con­ven­tion facil­i­ty in addi­tion to the pro­grams […]

Somerset Country Club

Golfer on the fairway hitting a ball.

Som­er­set Coun­try Club is a semi-pri­­vate golf club, locat­ed at 1216 North Main Street (Hwy 1247) in the city of Som­er­set, Ken­tucky. The course was built in 1923 but was […]

Haney’s Appledale Farm

Family walking down rows of apple trees with a basket

Locat­ed in the small com­mu­ni­ty of Nan­cy, vis­it­ing Haney’s Appledale Farm is a tra­di­tion in South-Cen­­tral Ken­tucky. Whether it’s a fam­i­ly’s out­ing to the orchards to pick their favorite apples […]

Mural Trail

Thompson JohnPerkins Mural

Som­er­set’s Mur­al Trail encour­ages both locals and vis­i­tors to dis­cov­er a diverse set of murals down­town. As you explore, you will find depic­tions of every­thing from a por­trait of a […]

See Somerset Swag!

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