
Haney’s Appledale Farm

Locat­ed in the small com­mu­ni­ty of Nan­cy, vis­it­ing Haney’s Appledale Farm is a tra­di­tion in South-Cen­tral Ken­tucky. Whether it’s a fam­i­ly’s out­ing to the orchards to pick their favorite apples or just some­one enjoy­ing warm apple pie, many from all over have rich mem­o­ries of Haney’s. The estab­lish­ment of Haney’s dates back to the 1870s. Since then, what was once a small road­side fruit stand has evolved into a sta­ple of fresh fruit for peo­ple in the Lake Cum­ber­land Region. Not­ed by the Som­er­set-Pulas­ki Coun­ty Cham­ber of Com­merce as Pulas­ki Coun­ty’s old­est busi­ness in con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion, the farm has been passed down through five gen­er­a­tions and is cur­rent­ly oper­at­ed by Don and Mark Haney.

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