
Guthrie’s Grill

food being served on deck overlooking Lake Cumberland

Are you look­ing for an Amer­i­can Steak­house in Som­er­set, KY? Guthrie’s Grill push­es the enve­lope for Som­er­set, KY cui­sine. We take influ­ences from our team mem­bers‘ culi­nary roots, we blend […]

Somersport Park

entrance sign for Somersport Park

Somer­sport is Somerset’s out­door sports com­plex. This park is where all of our youth soc­cer leagues are held. Also tucked away in this 17-acre park is the largest play­ground in […]

The Steel Magnolia

exterior of bridal shop with views of wedding gowns in window displays

Open by appoint­ment only, this local shop offers many design­er wed­ding gowns & bridal par­ty dress­es. Own­er, Lacy Dixon, opened The Steel Mag­no­lia with hopes of cater­ing to each cus­tomer […]

Thee Ark Christian Bookstore

exterior of building with thee ark sign above entrance

Thee Ark Chris­t­ian Book­store is a fam­i­­ly-owned busi­ness locat­ed in Som­er­set, Ken­tucky. Thee Ark offers books, bibles, home decor, can­dles, baby gifts, bereave­ment, and so much more! While they are […]

Gra-C’s Boutique

fall display of clothing inside store

Gra‑C’s Bou­tique offers a vari­ety of unique and trendy cloth­ing, acces­sories, and jew­el­ry for women of all shapes and sizes. A com­fort­able shop­ping expe­ri­ence, knowl­edge­able employ­ees, and afford­able prices make […]

The Suit Shoppe

display of suits with mannequin

The Suit Shoppe, LLC is a men’s suit and acces­sories store. Please use the street park­ing or the lot at the cor­ner of Main and Spring Streets, unless you have […]

Wait’s Hill Gifts

display of gift items inside store

Every­one loves a hid­den gem. Wait­’s Hill Gifts has been a local favorite for every occa­sion since 1990. This bou­tique gift shop is locat­ed on South Main Street and is […]

Big City Pizza

close up of large pizza with meat, tomato, and cheese

Local­ly owned and oper­at­ed. Enjoy deli­cious, award-win­n­ing piz­zas made using their in-house sauce and dough recipes, pre­pared fresh dai­ly. They also serve a vari­ety of pas­ta, sal­ads, sand­wich­es, and desserts.

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