
Somersport Park

Somer­sport is Somerset’s out­door sports com­plex. This park is where all of our youth soc­cer leagues are held. Also tucked away in this 17-acre park is the largest play­ground in our parks sys­tem, with two shel­ters avail­able for rent (March 1 through Novem­ber 1) just a short dis­tance from our play­ground and restroom facil­i­ty. There is also a paved walk­ing track where you can enjoy the out­doors while exer­cis­ing. All shel­ters have pow­er and run­ning water along with tables and grills. Call Som­er­set Parks & Recre­ation at 606.679.1860 to reserve.

Fischer Park playground in Somerset, Kentucky
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