exterior of bridal shop with views of wedding gowns in window displays

The Steel Magnolia

Open by appoint­ment only, this local shop offers many design­er wed­ding gowns & bridal par­ty dress­es. Own­er, Lacy Dixon, opened The Steel Mag­no­lia with hopes of cater­ing to each cus­tomer on a per­son­al lev­el. She states, “We han­dle our brides one at a time here. Each woman is giv­en her time, with her fam­i­ly, in a pri­vate and com­fort­able set­ting. This makes the expe­ri­ence more mem­o­rable for the bride. There is no awk­ward sit­ting with strangers… just you and your loved ones. Each cus­tomer gets undi­vid­ed atten­tion and we can lis­ten to her and her con­cerns. This is why we do pri­vate appoint­ments. We do take walk-ins if we have an open slot, of course. But with the grow­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty of our shop­ping expe­ri­ence, avail­abil­i­ty is some­times lim­it­ed.”

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