
Tiki’s Winter Wonderland

young boy ice skating on ice rink

Tiki’s Win­ter Won­der­land trans­forms Somer­Splash — our pop­u­lar sum­mer des­ti­na­tion — into a fam­i­­ly-friend­­ly win­ter won­der­land. With 4,100 square feet of real ice and 130 skaters per ses­sion, the rink […]

Somerset Country Club

Golfer on the fairway hitting a ball.

Som­er­set Coun­try Club is a semi-pri­­vate golf club, locat­ed at 1216 North Main Street (Hwy 1247) in the city of Som­er­set, Ken­tucky. The course was built in 1923 but was […]

General Burnside Island Golf Course

man with golf club in sand trap

The pub­lic golf course at Gen­er­al Burn­side Island State Park is locat­ed on an island sur­round­ed by Lake Cum­ber­land in Som­er­set, Ken­tucky. Bri­an Ault, design­er of Dale Hol­low Lake and […]

Haney’s Appledale Farm

Family walking down rows of apple trees with a basket

Locat­ed in the small com­mu­ni­ty of Nan­cy, vis­it­ing Haney’s Appledale Farm is a tra­di­tion in South-Cen­­tral Ken­tucky. Whether it’s a fam­i­ly’s out­ing to the orchards to pick their favorite apples […]


Geese fishing on Lake Cumberland

Oppor­tu­ni­ties are avail­able across the Lake Cum­ber­land Wildlife Man­age­ment Area, which includes shore­line, steep ridges, hard­wood forests, old farm­lands, and wildlife plant­i­ngs in a five-coun­­ty area.

Striper Fishing Guides

man driving a fast fishing boat at sunset on the lake

Whether you are in search of a tro­phy fish, or just relax­ation time on the lake, there are sev­er­al fish­ing guide ser­vices that pro­vide an enjoy­able fish­ing expe­ri­ence.

Eagle’s Nest Country Club

People putting on a golf course green

Eagle’s Nest is one of the most chal­leng­ing and scenic golf cours­es in the region. The club­house is avail­able for a vari­ety of events and fea­tures an out­door pool, ten­nis […]

Woodson Bend

Golfer at Woodson Bend

This resort fea­tures 480 pri­vate­ly owned con­dos, an 18-hole golf course, ten­nis courts, boat dock, and an on-site restau­rant. Views of wood­ed foothills and lime­stone pal­isades over the lake make […]

SomerSplash Waterpark

Open Memo­r­i­al Day through Labor Day, Kentucky’s best water­park offers fam­i­ly fun and adven­ture, includ­ing three body slides, a wind­ing lazy riv­er, wave pool, and child play area.

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