two women shopping

The Mole Hole

The Mole Hole is a whim­si­cal bou­tique offer­ing brand-name gifts, jew­el­ry, and home decor, as well as cus­tom vinyl mono­gram­ming and embroi­dery. Their inside bar, the Tip­sy Toad, serves glass­es of Ken­tucky wine and bour­bon to sip while sit­ting, shop­ping, or lis­ten­ing to week­ly live music shows. Hand­made choco­late, free gift wrap­ping, and fre­quent events make The Mole Hole a pop­u­lar down­town des­ti­na­tion.

37 Pub­lic Square, Som­er­set, KY
(606) 679‑0170
Face­book | Web

See Somerset Swag!

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