Downtown Somerset Festival aerial view of Fountain Square

See Somerset Tourism

Som­er­set, Ken­tucky is a melt­ing pot of hues and the cen­ter point on the com­pass.

We not only absorb influ­ence from all four cor­ners of Ken­tucky, but we bright­en the blue­grass with an influ­ence of our own. A unique spice. A one-of-a-kind col­or.

Rich in his­to­ry, arts, enter­tain­ment and agri­cul­ture, Som­er­set has cor­nered the mar­ket on unique expe­ri­ences, hav­ing been named the Offi­cial Car Cruise Cap­i­tal of Ken­tucky (Somer­nites Cruise) and home to the South­east Tourism Society’s Fes­ti­val of the Year (Mas­ter Musi­cians Fes­ti­val). Peo­ple not only trav­el here to enjoy the nation’s fourth most vis­it­ed lake, but they’ve cel­e­brat­ed clas­sic cars and music in Som­er­set for the bet­ter part of three decades.

Now, these sto­ried events are accom­pa­nied by two free down­town fes­ti­vals that have mar­ried music, food and art to bring new life to Somerset’s his­toric down­town. Food­stock and Moon­light Fes­ti­val cel­e­brate Somerset’s cul­ture through live music and art cre­ation as peo­ple break bread and fel­low­ship in the streets togeth­er.

Somerset’s fes­ti­val cal­en­dar attracts in excess of 100,000 peo­ple annu­al­ly and has spurred record down­town busi­ness growth and revi­tal­iza­tion. Once stag­nant, down­town Som­er­set has grown in the last four years to include num­ber of restau­rants, bou­tiques, gift shops, craft brew­eries, bars and The Vir­ginia, a live per­for­mance venue that was once the community’s the­ater.

From the string lights that glow over Citizen’s Alley to the vibrant bulbs of The Virginia’s mar­quee, the com­mu­ni­ty’s res­i­dents are light­ing up Som­er­set.

And it’s brighter than ever before.

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