People paying their respect at the Mill Springs Battlefield cementery.

Mill Springs National Cemetery

The Bat­tle of Mill Springs in Jan­u­ary 1862 saw 4,400 Union troops turn back near­ly 5,900 Con­fed­er­ates. Union casu­al­ties amount­ed to 40 killed, 207 wound­ed, and 15 miss­ing; Con­fed­er­ate loss­es amount­ed to 125 killed, 309 wound­ed, and 95 miss­ing. The Confederacy’s most sig­nif­i­cant casu­al­ty was Gen­er­al Felix Zol­li­cof­fer, the first south­ern Gen­er­al killed in action. Report­ed­ly, he died after wan­der­ing into Union ranks, think­ing they were his own men.

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