Energy Center / City Hall Somerset, Kentucky

City of Somerset

Home to a beau­ti­ful syn­er­gy between com­merce and art, music and out­door adven­ture, bour­bon and agri­cul­ture, Som­er­set is The Spir­it of South­ern Ken­tucky. The city is home to near­ly 12,000 res­i­dents, 300 city employ­ees, and an unmatched ded­i­ca­tion to qual­i­ty of life and place. Som­er­set is the eas­i­est, friend­liest, and most inno­v­a­tive com­mu­ni­ty in Ken­tucky to do busi­ness. Excep­tion­al health­care, some of the low­est hous­ing and util­i­ty rates in the nation, and a bustling down­town that thrives on busi­ness, art, food, and music make Som­er­set shine as the largest com­mu­ni­ty on Lake Cum­ber­land.

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