Somersport Park

entrance sign for Somersport Park

Somer­sport is Somerset’s out­door sports com­plex. This park is where all of our youth soc­cer leagues are held. Also tucked away in this 17-acre park is the largest play­ground in […]

Fountain Square Park

Fountain and park benches in town square with tree and buildings in the background

Foun­tain Square Park is an oasis in down­town Som­er­set and a hub of local cul­ture and com­mu­ni­ty vibran­cy. The cen­ter­piece is a foun­tain cap­ti­vat­ing vis­i­tors day and night. Sur­round­ed by […]

Veterans Memorial Park

large group of people at the dedication of the Veterans Memorial Park with patriotic mural in the background

Locat­ed at the cor­ner of Oak and Main streets the Vet­er­ans Memo­r­i­al Park stands as a solemn trib­ute to the brave men and women who served our nation. With its […]

Fischer Fun Park 2/Rocky Hollow

colorful playground with climbing and sliding areas

Fis­ch­er Fun Park 2 is a col­or­ful climb­ing and slid­ing play­ground. It’s an all-inclu­­sive activ­i­ty play­ground for fam­i­lies with a sand vol­ley­ball court, a splash pad and it fea­tures play […]

Tiki’s Winter Wonderland

young boy ice skating on ice rink

Tiki’s Win­ter Won­der­land trans­forms Somer­Splash — our pop­u­lar sum­mer des­ti­na­tion — into a fam­i­­ly-friend­­ly win­ter won­der­land. With 4,100 square feet of real ice and 130 skaters per ses­sion, the rink […]

SomerSplash Waterpark

Open Memo­r­i­al Day through Labor Day, Kentucky’s best water­park offers fam­i­ly fun and adven­ture, includ­ing three body slides, a wind­ing lazy riv­er, wave pool, and child play area.

Pulaski County Park

Camping in Pulaski County Park in Kentucky

This 804-acre park with disc golf course is a hid­den gem with access to Lake Cum­ber­land. Camp­ing, fish­ing, boat­ing, swim­ming, cav­ing, hik­ing, horse­back rid­ing, and bird­ing are all pop­u­lar activ­i­ties.

General Burnside Island State Park

Outdoor Burnside 1200x630 1

Gen­er­al Burn­side Island State Park fea­tures an 18-hole golf course and a 102-site camp­ground on an island. Camp­ing, fish­ing, boat­ing, golf, and pic­nick­ing com­bine for an out­stand­ing vaca­tion on Lake […]

Fischer Fun Park/Somersport

This gor­geous play­ground at Somer­sport Park includes ramps and a rock­ing boat for those in wheel­chairs; sen­so­ry equip­ment for those with spe­cial needs, includ­ing devices to make musi­cal sounds and […]

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