
Foodstock Festival

SATURDAY, MAY 10, 202511am — 9pm Join us on Sat­ur­day, May 10, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. for a day of food, music, and art at the sixth […]

Somernites Cruise

little red convertible corvette

Som­er­set is the offi­cial Car Cruise Cap­i­tal of Ken­tucky! Join us every fourth Sat­ur­day, April through Octo­ber for the Somer­nites Cruise Car Show. Dis­cov­er a relaxed, fam­i­­ly-ori­en­t­ed atmos­phere with great […]

Raft Up

Lake Cumberland RaftUp

This event began as an attempt to break the world record with the largest num­ber of boats raft­ed togeth­er simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. That record was bro­ken with 1,500 boats of all shapes […]

Crappie USA Tournament

Fisherman holding Crappie

Lake Cum­ber­land is host to a 2‑Day Super Event April 3–4 on the Crap­pie USA Tour­na­ment Trail. Anglers from across the nation vie for prize mon­ey and points stand­ings.

Lake Cumberland Poker Run

Speed boat at the Poker Run in Somerset, Kentucky

Rat­ed one of the best pok­er runs in the coun­try, this event fea­tures hun­dreds of boats, live music, light show, and thou­sands in prize mon­ey.

See Somerset Swag!

Put your name in the hat to win a swag bag from See Somerset Tourism.