Contact Somerset Tourism in downtown Somerset, Kentucky

Somerset Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber’s mis­sion is to work every day to make our com­mu­ni­ty a place where busi­ness­es can grow and pros­per and where peo­ple want to raise their fam­i­lies. Busi­ness own­ers look to the Cham­ber for a venue to net­work and high­light their busi­ness from sole pro­pri­etors to the largest com­pa­nies and employ­ers in the area. We pro­vide infor­ma­tion for start­ing a busi­ness as well as busi­ness-build­ing pro­grams, employ­ment out­reach pro­grams, and cus­tom research for our cham­ber mem­bers.

See Somerset Swag!

Put your name in the hat to win a swag bag from See Somerset Tourism.