Experience the arts and entertainment scene in downtown Somerset by exploring our trails. Stay tuned for more you can enjoy!

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Yellow: Mural Trail (1.8 miles)

Expe­ri­ence out­door art in down­town Som­er­set on the six stops of our Mur­al Trail! Direc­tions are tai­lored for walk­ing, but you can dri­ve this trail as well.

  • Bring your mobile phone and head over to the Rocky Hol­low Recre­ation Cen­ter, where you can park and start your adven­ture. Your 1.8‑mile trek begins and ends here!
  • The map will auto­mat­i­cal­ly pop­u­late your start­ing point as Rocky Hol­low in the win­dow that pro­vides direc­tions. For your end­point, select “Stop 1” to be direct­ed to the first mur­al on the walk.
  • You’ll be able to see pho­tos or watch a brief video about each mur­al and read a descrip­tion on our web­site.
  • Once you’re ready to move to the next mur­al, change the start­ing point to your cur­rent loca­tion and change the end­point to the next stop in numer­i­cal order — Step 2, Step 3, etc. You’ll be direct­ed to the next loca­tion!
  • Once you arrive at Stop 6: Cre­ate Your Future (the out­door bas­ket­ball courts at Rocky Hol­low Park) you’ve seen the last mur­al on our trail. But the walk’s not over! Fol­low the trail behind the courts into Rocky Hol­low Park and enjoy our beau­ti­ful down­town green­space as you walk back to your car. This trail will lead you back to the Rocky Hol­low Recre­ation Cen­ter park­ing lot.
  • Have fun and enjoy Som­er­set’s out­door art scene!

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