
The Urban Stillhouse

The Urban Still­house by Horse Sol­dier is an enclave of ele­gance and exclu­sive spir­its. Hailed as an emblem of culi­nary and cock­tail mas­tery, the loca­tion offers a restau­rant, bar, tast­ing room, exclu­sive Com­man­der’s Club, offers a space for pri­vate events, and more. The restau­rant offers a sea­son­al­ly updat­ed menu with a mar­riage of new and tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­can cui­sine fea­tur­ing ele­vat­ed takes on clas­sic sta­ples. Their bour­bon-inspired dish­es are cooked to order on a wood-fired grill that uses wood­en staves from their Horse Sol­dier Bour­bon bar­rels to pro­duce an excep­tion­al open-flame taste.

The Som­er­set loca­tion is a sis­ter restau­rant to The Urban Still­house in St. Peters­burg, FL.

95 S. Main St., Som­er­set, KY
(606) 222‑0027

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