
Sensory Play Park

Sen­so­ry Play Park, an inclu­sive play space designed to meet the phys­i­cal, sen­so­ry, and social­iza­tion needs of oth­ers, is the first of its kind in the Unit­ed States. The park fea­tures equip­ment designed to appeal to mul­ti­ple sens­es, mak­ing the play expe­ri­ence rich­er by engag­ing chil­dren more ful­ly in play and enhanc­ing cog­ni­tive devel­op­ment, fine motor skills, lan­guage devel­op­ment, and self-aware­ness. Stud­ies prove sen­so­ry play expe­ri­ences are essen­tial for brain devel­op­ment in all chil­dren. For those on the autism spec­trum, with ADHD or oth­er sen­so­ry needs, this play­ground equip­ment can pro­vide impor­tant expo­sure to sounds, tex­tures, and pres­sures that help with sen­so­ry sen­si­tiv­i­ty.

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