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Somernites Cruise — Camaro, Firebird, Chevelle and Nova Showcase

June 24, 2023

Somernites Cruise

Fri­day, June 23rd Pre-Cruise Events:

Burn­side Meet & Greet
10 a.m. — 2 p.m. Locat­ed at 6361 S. Hwy. 27, Burn­side, KY, 42519, in the Stone­brook Cen­ter park­ing lot. Pre­sent­ed by the City of Burn­side.

Fri­day Night Thun­der Block Par­ty
5 — 9 p.m. Locat­ed on US Hwy. 27 at Light #23, in the Som­er­set Mall park­ing lot. Enjoy hotrods, clas­sic cars, and trucks along with live music and a vari­ety of ven­dors!

Sat­ur­day, June 24th Events:

Ear­ly birds join in at 8 a.m. for a Fun Run before the main event! Cruis­ers will be meet­ing at Hard­ee’s South on Hwy. 27 in Som­er­set, break­fast is pro­vid­ed for par­tic­i­pants from 8–8:30 a.m. and the Fun Run takes off at 8:30 a.m.

Join us in down­town Som­er­set — the Car Cruise Cap­tial of Ken­tucky — for the main Somer­nites Cruise event from 12–6 p.m.! June’s event fea­tures a Camaro & Firebird/Chevelle/Nova Show­case with a spe­cial “GTO” dis­play.

Rain or shine car enthu­si­asts, ven­dors, and spec­ta­tors will be gath­er­ing to let the good times roll. Bring a lawn chair to watch the hotrods, clas­sic cars, and trucks cruise and remem­ber, admis­sion is always free!

Somer­nites Cruise takes place every fourth Sat­ur­day, April through Octo­ber.

Check here for more infor­ma­tion and updates.


June 24, 2023
Event Category:


Downtown Somerset
Public Square
Somerset, KY 42501 United States
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