
Books, Nooks & Crannies

This moth­er-daugh­ter-owned indie book­store is locat­ed at 400 East Mt. Ver­non St. Local own­ers Ranae Ruby, and her daugh­ter, Jes­si­ca Ruby, offer a unique expe­ri­ence for book lovers. Upon enter­ing the shop, you’re greet­ed by “Bo” the shop cat, and immersed in a French-inspired roman­tic theme. As you explore the shop filled with a wide vari­ety of book gen­res includ­ing a chil­dren’s area, you’ll then jour­ney into an old police sta­tion evi­dence vault that has been trans­formed into a cozy room ded­i­cat­ed to mur­der mys­ter­ies and fan­ta­sy nov­els.
Book clubs are offered month­ly and week­ly, every Fri­day, the cus­tomer’s favorite, “Blind Date” books are always restocked. The book­store invites vis­i­tors to indulge in a new read, study, or work remote­ly Tues­day through Fri­day 10am-6pm and Sat­ur­days 10am-3pm.

Face­book | Insta­gram 

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