Photo by Meredith Frye

Best Photo Spots

Down­town Som­er­set has some of the most insta­gram­ma­ble des­ti­na­tions in South­ern Ken­tucky. With a vari­ety of pub­lic art, out­door murals, city parks, and down­town foun­tains, there are plen­ty of places to explore for your next stop-and-take-a-pic­ture moment. One his­toric spot is the fad­ed Coca-Cola Sign on the rear side of the Mason­ic Build­ing in down­town Som­er­set. It was paint­ed there dur­ing the late 1950s. The arrow at the top is a Wrigley’s Spearmint chew­ing gum sign most of which is cov­ered by the Coca-Cola sign. The Mason­ic Build­ing is one of the old­est build­ings in Som­er­set.

We’ve got a few oth­er sug­ges­tions for you below.

Building corner with faded Coke-a-Cola mural and fire escape stairs

1950s Coca-Cola Sign | Down­town Som­er­set

The Vir­ginia Mar­quee | Down­town Som­er­set

SPEDA Bright Her­itage Mur­al | Down­town Som­er­set

Som­er­set Adven­ture Mur­al | Down­town Som­er­set

bremen town musicians sculpture at public library

Bre­men Town Musi­cians Sculp­ture | Down­town Som­er­set

Coop­er Arts Mur­al | Down­town Som­er­set

young woman standing in front of wings mural
Fountain at sunset with buildings in the background

Foun­tain Square Park | Down­town Som­er­set

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