inside view of the bazaar universe

A Bazaar Universe

A mag­i­cal store in down­town Som­er­set, Ken­tucky, A Bazaar Uni­verse car­ries a pletho­ra of wear­able art, hand­made by Jade and Delia from recy­cled fab­rics. They also sell Upcy­cled, Repur­posed, Repaired, Gen­tly Loved, and Vin­tage cloth­ing and acces­sories for all shapes, sizes, and gen­ders. At their shops and on the road, they pro­vide an expe­ri­ence in which peo­ple are sup­port­ed in express­ing them­selves through unique fash­ion while encour­ag­ing envi­ron­men­tal aware­ness.

214 E. Mt. Ver­non St., Suite B, Som­er­set, KY 
(606) 485‑4060
Face­book | Twit­ter | Insta­gram

See Somerset Swag!

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