Baxter’s Coffee

This small-batch cof­fee roast­er with four loca­tions in Som­er­set offers deli­cious spe­cial­ty cof­fee and espres­so drinks, hot and cold teas, frozen drinks, and fruit smooth­ies. Baxter’s kitchen serves muffins, cin­na­mon rolls, scones, and Amon’s glazed donuts. Stop by any loca­tion to buy whole or ground beans for home brew­ing and shop their vari­ety of cof­fee-relat­ed gifts and mer­chan­dise.

Four Som­er­set Loca­tions
427 Ogden St.
530 Ogden St. (Dri­ve-Thru & Roast­ing Co.)
3926 S. HWY 27 (South)
305 Lang­don St. (Bax­ter’s @ LCRH)

(606) 676‑0260
Face­book | Twit­ter | Insta­gram | Web

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