
Pulaski County Park

Camping in Pulaski County Park in Kentucky

This 804-acre park with disc golf course is a hid­den gem with access to Lake Cum­ber­land. Camp­ing, fish­ing, boat­ing, swim­ming, cav­ing, hik­ing, horse­back rid­ing, and bird­ing are all pop­u­lar activ­i­ties.

General Burnside Island State Park

Outdoor Burnside 1200x630 1

Gen­er­al Burn­side Island State Park fea­tures an 18-hole golf course and a 102-site camp­ground on an island. Camp­ing, fish­ing, boat­ing, golf, and pic­nick­ing com­bine for an out­stand­ing vaca­tion on Lake […]

Wildcat Offroad Park

Off road vehicle in operation

New, fam­i­ly friend­ly, 2,000-acre off-road park with more than 100 miles of trails and the great­est sites in the south­east­ern U.S. Trails avail­able for novice or expe­ri­enced rid­ers.

Big South Fork Scenic Railway

Big South Fork Scenic engine and cars on track through woods

Take a train ride through the scenic moun­tains of South­ern Ken­tucky. This 14-mile trip takes you down to Blue Heron Min­ing Camp, the largest inter­pre­tive col­lec­tion of his­toric coal min­ing […]

Cumberland Falls State Park

Large waterfall

Known as the “Nia­gara of the South,” the 125-foot wide cur­tain of water is dra­mat­ic day or night. Catch a moon­bow dur­ing a full moon while stay­ing at this state […]

Horse Soldier Farms Distillery

Bourbon being poured into a glass with the Horse Soldier Bourbon logo.

Horse Sol­dier Bour­bon plans to build a world-class dis­tillery expe­ri­ence in Som­er­set-Pulas­­ki Coun­ty on the grounds of the for­mer Wait­s­boro Hills Golf Course — a 227-acre expanse over­look­ing Lake Cum­ber­land. […]

Birdies and Barrels

Birdies and Bar­rels is a high-end bour­bon and cig­ar bar with a lim­it­ed selec­tion of craft beers and oth­er spe­cial­ties. 201 E. Mt. Ver­non St., Som­er­set, KY(606) 451‑7211Face­book

Lake Cumberland Farmers Market

Large metal building with Farmers Market banner

The Lake Cum­ber­land Farm­ers Mar­ket at Cit­i­zens Nation­al Bank Pavil­ion high­lights the best of our robust farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty. The mar­ket is a com­mu­ni­ty gath­er­ing place ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing local farm­ers, pro­duc­ers, […]

Flashback Theatre Co.

Flashback Theatre Company actor on stage in Somerset, Kentucky

This semi-pro­fes­­sion­al start-up the­ater com­pa­ny for Som­er­set and the sur­round­ing region pro­duces 3–4 ful­ly staged clas­sic and new the­ater pro­duc­tions each year. Their Let’s Play! the­ater edu­ca­tion series intro­duces the com­mu­ni­ty to […]

See Somerset Swag!

Put your name in the hat to win a swag bag from See Somerset Tourism.