
This semi-pro­fes­sion­al start-up the­ater com­pa­ny for Som­er­set and the sur­round­ing region pro­duces 3–4 ful­ly staged clas­sic and new the­ater pro­duc­tions each year. Their Let’s Play! the­ater edu­ca­tion series intro­duces the com­mu­ni­ty to basic the­ater con­cepts through­out the year. The com­pa­ny reg­u­lar­ly hosts oth­er events includ­ing artist pop up shops, art exhi­bi­tions, mas­ter­class­es and vol­un­teer days.

400 E. Mount Ver­non St., Som­er­set, KY
(888) 394‑3282
Face­book | Twit­ter | Insta­gram

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