male musician playing guitar on stage

Foodstock is back as first festival of 2021

Food trucks from across Kentucky participate in event featuring local music lineup and art contest

SOMERSET, KENTUCKY (April 26, 2021) — Whether you’re crav­ing a Greek gyro, Brazil­ian fare, or a good old-fash­ioned pret­zel, the City of Somerset’s sig­na­ture food truck fes­ti­val, Food­stock, will be a smor­gas­bord when it returns Sat­ur­day, June 5.

Food is the main event at the city’s first fes­ti­val of 2021, fea­tur­ing 17 food trucks from Som­er­set and across the state, as well as nine spir­it and drink ven­dors. As with the first fes­ti­val, the tastes of the Blue­grass will be com­ple­ment­ed with the sounds of local music and the col­or of local art.

“We have sev­er­al new ven­dors at our sec­ond Food­stock event and I’m real­ly excit­ed about the fla­vor they, along with our musi­cians and artists, will bring to down­town,” said Joy Car­roll, fes­ti­val direc­tor and Lake Cum­ber­land Farm­ers Mar­ket man­ag­er.

Admis­sion is free and gates will open at noon, with the heart of the fes­ti­val locat­ed at the Pulas­ki Coun­ty Judi­cial Cen­ter Plaza. The plaza stage will fea­ture a day full of local and region­al music tal­ent, includ­ing the Rump­ke Moun­tain Boys, Cody Lee Meece, Tom­my Minton & Friends and the Lake Cum­ber­land Blues Soci­ety. Beer, wine and spir­it ven­dors will line Maple Street and East Mt. Ver­non, and food trucks and street ven­dors will fill the half-cir­cle of Foun­tain Square.

Upon enter­ing at one of the festival’s four gates, patrons who want to buy alco­holic bev­er­ages will notice a dif­fer­ence this year, Car­roll said – while they must still pur­chase a $5 spir­it band, the booth to do so will be locat­ed near the beer, wine and spir­it ven­dors.

“We hope this new process will short­en wait times at the gate and allow peo­ple to start get­ting their food and drink a lit­tle more quick­ly,” Car­roll said.

The city will con­tin­ue to fol­low the Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol (CDC) guide­lines for out­door events at the fes­ti­val, Car­roll said.

As fes­ti­val-goers walk Somerset’s down­town streets with food and drink, they will also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to watch local, region­al and state artists cre­ate in real time dur­ing the Food­stock Art Con­test. For these artists, the con­test is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­tribute to Somerset’s expand­ing arts ini­tia­tives and vie for three $1,000 prizes.

The con­test will fea­ture an open for­mat and fol­low the theme of “com­mu­ni­ty.” Three $1,000 prizes will be award­ed to the three artists who best incor­po­rate this theme into their work. A pan­el of three inde­pen­dent judges will choose the 2021 win­ners. Artists who wish to par­tic­i­pate can apply here.

Con­tin­u­ing what orga­niz­ers hope will become a tra­di­tion with local fes­ti­vals, the win­ning art­work will be dis­played at a new event this year — #see­my­set Art in the Park at Rocky Hol­low Park on Aug. 14 — and auc­tioned pub­licly to ben­e­fit the city’s new art fund. Mon­ey raised will go toward future art projects with­in the city.

May­or Alan Keck said he looks for­ward to see­ing down­town streets once again filled with peo­ple com­ing togeth­er to fel­low­ship and con­nect with one anoth­er.

“Cel­e­brat­ing who we are and shar­ing that sto­ry across the state and nation is how we build a Som­er­set for every­one,” Keck said. “Our fes­ti­vals are a cru­cial com­po­nent of that, and I am more than ready to start build­ing this tra­di­tion once again. Let’s toast our beau­ti­ful com­mu­ni­ty with food, music and art.”

See a full list of ven­dors and com­plete event details.

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