
Explore down­town Somerset’s nooks and cran­nies while enjoy­ing local shop­ping and din­ing.

To get the full expe­ri­ence dur­ing your vis­it, you’ll want to make sure you check out these local trea­sures!

Jarfly Brewing Co.

Jarfly Brew­ing Com­pa­ny is Som­er­set’s own craft brew­ery locat­ed in the his­toric down­town Gold­en­berg’s build­ing. With 13 Jarfly brews on tap and guest taps fea­tur­ing Ken­tucky winer­ies and brew­eries, there’s a drink for every­one’s tastes. A snack menu includes house made beer cheese and Jarfly hot­dogs, while part­ner­ships with local piz­za shops and food trucks pro­vide addi­tion­al fare. Team triv­ia, open mic night and live music events offer week­ly enter­tain­ment.

103 W. Mt. Ver­non St., Som­er­set, KY
(606) 425‑4962
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Tap on Main Brewing

Tap on Main is a brew­pub and sports bar that crafts its beer in small two-bar­rel batch­es. In addi­tion to its own brews, Tap on Main offers 20 craft beers on tap, serves cock­tails, wine and bour­bon, and offers a fine cig­ar selec­tion.

601A N. Main St. Som­er­set, KY 
(606) 451‑1525
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Baxter’s Coffee

This small-batch cof­fee roast­er with four loca­tions in Som­er­set offers deli­cious spe­cial­ty cof­fee and espres­so drinks, hot and cold teas, frozen drinks and fruit smooth­ies. Bax­ter’s kitchen serves muffins, cin­na­mon rolls, scones and Amon’s glazed donuts. Stop by any loca­tion to buy whole or ground beans for home brew­ing and shop their vari­ety of cof­fee-relat­ed gifts and mer­chan­dise.

427 Ogden Street, Som­er­set, KY
(606) 676‑0260
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Serendipity at the Orange Door

Serendip­i­ty at the Orange Door pro­vides Amer­i­can fare for lunch and din­ner with dai­ly home­cooked spe­cials. Sand­wich­es, sal­ads, and soups are the main­stays, and their desserts include a vari­ety of deli­cious pies and cakes. Serendip­i­ty also offers event cater­ing.

220 E. Mount Ver­non St., Som­er­set, KY
(606) 678‑0648

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Downtown Deli

Down­town Deli is a local­ly owned restau­rant and cater­er that offers sand­wich­es, sal­ads, burg­ers, a dai­ly spe­cial and “home­made toot­er pie.” Open for break­fast and lunch Mon­day through Fri­day and Fri­day only for din­ner. 

58 Pub­lic Square, Som­er­set, KY 
(606) 425‑5945

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Granny’s Grab ‘n Go

Granny’s Grab ‘n Go serves hot sand­wich­es and sides, home­made desserts and chili, and pro­vides a dine-in option or take out win­dow. Deliv­ery to down­town busi­ness­es is avail­able.

101 South Maple Street, Som­er­set, KY
(606) 451‑1137

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Yellow Bird Bakery

The Yel­low Bird Bak­ery was born from a love of bak­ing and the desire to share those sweet treats. They are an in-home bak­ery locat­ed in Som­er­set, Ken­tucky. They offer a vari­ety of cakes, cup­cakes, and treats for all of your spe­cial occa­sions. They also offer both pick-up and deliv­ery options. Con­tact them to place your order today!

220 E. Mt Ver­non St., Som­er­set, KY
(606) 416‑5615
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Yellow Bird Bakery

Main Street’s Deli and Catering

Main Street’s Deli and Cater­ing serves break­fast, lunch, and din­ner, with a hot food bar avail­able every week­day. Offer­ing a wide vari­ety of grilled and deli sand­wich­es, hot sides and cold drinks, they’re famous for their Bil­ly Burg­ers and hand-dipped corn dogs. The Deli also car­ries more than 300 vari­eties of domes­tic and craft beer avail­able for sale in the refrig­er­at­ed sec­tion of the store.

601 N. Main St., Som­er­set, KY
(606) 679‑5064
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The Mole Hole & Tipsy Toad

The Mole Hole is a whim­si­cal bou­tique offer­ing brand name gifts, jew­el­ry and home decor, as well as cus­tom vinyl mono­gram­ming and embroi­dery. The Tip­sy Toad bar serves glass­es of Ken­tucky wine and bour­bon to sip while sit­ting, shop­ping, or lis­ten­ing to week­ly live music shows. Hand­made choco­late, free gift wrap­ping and fre­quent events make The Mole Hole a pop­u­lar down­town des­ti­na­tion.

37 Pub­lic Square, Som­er­set, KY
(606) 679‑0170

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Lake Cumberland Farmers Market

The Lake Cum­ber­land Farm­ers Mar­ket, locat­ed down­town across from the Ener­gy Cen­ter opened in the sum­mer of 2020, and high­lights the best of our robust farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty. The mar­ket is a com­mu­ni­ty gath­er­ing place ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing local farm­ers, pro­duc­ers, and arti­sans by pro­vid­ing a mar­ket­ing con­nec­tion to area con­sumers. They are com­mit­ted to pro­mot­ing envi­ron­men­tal and eco­nom­ic sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Patrons can find every­thing from pro­duce and flow­ers, to meat, cheese, wine, soaps, and even a lim­it­ed selec­tion of crafts.

401 E. Mt. Ver­non St. Som­er­set, KY
(606) 425‑5319
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John Sherman Cooper Community Arts Center

This non­prof­it arts orga­ni­za­tion housed in the his­toric Coop­er build­ing down­town was once the city’s post office and then pub­lic library. Now it’s home to local artists and art orga­ni­za­tions and fea­tures week­ly live music events and month­ly art exhi­bi­tions. The Yel­low Umbrel­la gift shop and Cel­lar Eatery & Brats Bar both oper­ate inside the build­ing while unique spaces through­out the Coop­er are avail­able for event rental.

107 N. Main St., Som­er­set, KY
(859) 967‑3263

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Really Roxie Boutique

Real­ly Rox­ie is a fam­i­ly owned bou­tique that com­bines fun & fash­ion locat­ed in down­town Som­er­set in the heart of South Cen­tral Ky! What began as small jew­el­ry table in their din­ing room has been blessed to grow into a thriv­ing online pres­ence & a 1800+ sq foot store­front! Real­ly Rox­ie takes tremen­dous pride in their per­son­al ser­vice & abil­i­ty to find each ladies per­son­al style.

209 E. Mount Ver­non Street Suite A, Som­er­set, KY
(606) 425‑4557
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Flashback Theatre Co.

This semi-pro­fes­sion­al start-up the­ater com­pa­ny for Som­er­set and the sur­round­ing region pro­duces 3–4 ful­ly staged clas­sic and new the­ater pro­duc­tions each year. Their Let’s Play! the­ater edu­ca­tion series intro­duces the com­mu­ni­ty to basic the­ater con­cepts through­out the year. The com­pa­ny reg­u­lar­ly hosts oth­er events includ­ing artist pop up shops, art exhi­bi­tions, mas­ter­class­es and vol­un­teer days.

400 E. Mount Ver­non St., Som­er­set, KY
(888) 394‑3282
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Bazaar Universe

A mag­i­cal store down­town Som­er­set Ken­tucky, A Bazaar Uni­verse car­ries a pletho­ra of wear­able art, hand­made by Jade and Delia from recy­cled fab­rics. They also sell Upcy­cled, Repur­posed, Repaired, Gen­tly Loved, and Vin­tage cloth­ing and acces­sories for all shapes, sizes, and gen­ders. At their shops and on the road, they pro­vide an expe­ri­ence in which peo­ple are sup­port­ed in express­ing them­selves through unique fash­ion while encour­ag­ing envi­ron­men­tal aware­ness.

214 E Mt Ver­non St Suite B, Som­er­set, KY 
(606) 485‑4060
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Bazaar Universe

Be You Boutique

There’s noth­ing more beau­ti­ful than being your­self. That’s the spir­it behind Be You Bou­tique, down­town Somerset’s lat­est fash­ion store and anoth­er piece of the revi­tal­iza­tion puz­zle for the heart of the com­mu­ni­ty.

305 E Mt. Ver­non Street, Som­er­set, KY
(606) 425‑5549
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Makers Mill

Mak­ers Mill is a well-craft­ed and curat­ed ven­dor space. There is tru­ly some­thing here for every­one, from can­dles to home decor. This pro­vides a valu­able out­let to show­case the many tal­ent­ed artist and craftswomen and men in our local area. A true trea­sure to the com­mu­ni­ty.

402 E. Mt. Ver­non Street, Som­er­set, KY 
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Makers Mill

Meredith Frye Photography

Out­door and Stu­dio pho­tog­ra­phy ses­sions offer­ing fam­i­ly, cou­ples, senior, and event pack­ages. There is a grav­i­ta­tion toward earthy hues, warm sun­sets, col­or, and authen­tic sto­ries. Nat­ur­al out­door spaces, the Ken­tucky wild­lands, the beau­ti­ful lake, creeks, and farms but also an urban set­ting like down­town Som­er­set too. 

205 E Mt. Ver­non Street, Som­er­set, KY 
(606) 305‑3696 
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Sear’s Glass Shop

Sears Home­town Store in Som­er­set, KY is the local des­ti­na­tion for major appli­ances includ­ing wash­ers, dry­ers, refrig­er­a­tors, dish­wash­ers, and more! Also shop home goods includ­ing vac­u­ums, hard­ware, and elec­tron­ic needs, as well as a great selec­tion of lawn & gar­den prod­ucts includ­ing trac­tors, snow-blow­ers and mow­ers.

1611 E Mt Ver­non St, Som­er­set, KY 
(606) 679‑2011

Sears Glass Shop

The Vintage Weekend

The Vin­tage Week­end, locat­ed in the heart of down­town, focus­es on unique vin­tage cloth­ing — pri­mar­i­ly ’60s, ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, some ear­ly 2000s— includ­ing shirts, jeans, dress­es, shoes and so much more!

37 Pub­lic Square Suite B, Som­er­set, KY 
(606) 687‑9025
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Vintage Wknd
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