
With hun­dreds of miles of trails and streams
all with­in a short dri­ve, Som­er­set is a jump­ing point.

Start here to expe­ri­ence so many of Ken­tucky and Tennessee’s nat­ur­al won­ders. If you’re into hik­ing, climb­ing, kayak­ing, swim­ming, trail-run­ning, repelling, boul­der­ing, bird-watch­ing, or sim­ply sit­ting in the sun­shine we’ve got you cov­ered. A trip to Som­er­set isn’t just an invi­ta­tion to expe­ri­ence, it’s an invi­ta­tion to explore!

See Somerset Swag!

Put your name in the hat to win a swag bag from See Somerset Tourism.